&&  &&   +Glamour girl!          &&    IAmXiaFeng V.4
Sunday, May 28, 2006

<{Oh Really?;     

Mood: restless
Listening to: Walang Kadala-dala by Sandwich

Gawd~! The last time I blogged, I was online for 5 hours (until 3 in the morning) and guess what? My mom only allows me to go online for 2 hours a day. Come to think of it, if I'll fix my whole blog it will take me 2 days to finish it.. OH NO! I shouldn't worry though, I'M SUPER-FAYE! (Bet you didn't know that).

Anyway, last Saturday morning I went to MaDocs with my mom and dad to pick-up my uniforms. I fitted it when I got home and it was just the right size; not too loose and not too tight either. When I got my uniforms, we ate lunch at SM Mall of Asia. It was so freakin' crowded that day.. I really do hate TOO crowded places. We ate at KIMCHI and ate the same dish when I went out with Donna last Friday, and yes the uber spicy Kimchi is now one of my favorite side order when I go to Korean Restaurants.

After that, I was probably TOO FULL to function so we decided to examine the place. We went to the ground floor and wandered aimlessly until I spotted my favorite shop, F&H. I went in and tried some outfits. Eventually, my mom was being sweet again and bought me this really nice brown top. Then we went home feeling so tired, especially me since I slept really late the night before. But it was all worth it.. I think.

* See this picture? This was taken a day after I bought the top. It was a really nice top with sequined details at the sides. Sexy but not TOO flirty and definitely not the unusual-me style.. perfect!

Y i'M STiLL LOViNG iT! Y 9:07 PM

Saturday, May 27, 2006

<{I Knew It!;     

Mood: OVERjoyed then pissed off
Listening to: Take My Heart Back by Jennifer Love Hewitt

It's really late right now, but I'm still not in the mood to hit the sack. Me and Donna went out yesterday for her post-birthday bash. Her blockmates weren't able to come this time but it was okay. We were outside Starbucks G4 getting our hair messed up by the wind just talking about everything. I gave her my gifts there: a fudge brownie cake, a knitted gadget pouch, a CD full of music and pictures and my letter to her. Then around 2 PM we decided to eat lunch at a Korean Restaurant. I cannot believe that she made me eat KIMCHI! Gawd, I don't even eat the Filipino alternatives for Kimchi but it wasn't so bad after all. After that, we went SHOPPING! I bought a top at People Are People while Donna bought her top at F&H. We had TOO MUCH fun while we were at F&H because while Donna was trying out some outfits, I also tried some. We took dressing rooms that faced each other so we can check out our outfits.. haha!

After that, we went back to G4 and watched X-Men: The Last Stand. She was so sweet to treat me a Vanilla Cream Frap before the show ~ aww!Then we went to Timezone but only for a while because it was getting late. Then it was time to go home...

As I was going home with my mom, we passed by Julie's Bakeshop - the one owned by our friend Peter and his brother. I was surprised because earlier on, we passed each other at G4 but I thought it wan't him but he was wearing the same red t-shirt! I insisted on passing by without saying hello to him, but my mom waved at him. He went out and greeted us and he was like, "Wow! You've grown up already." I just laughed, being casual then my mom told him, "We haven't seen you lately, maybe you've married." Then he quickly said, "No, I didn't". After that he asked my mom, "Does she (referring to me) have a boyfriend?". My mom said, "No." He quickly replied, "Can I apply?" I just looked at him and laugh. Well yeah, he looks really handsome and probably a whole lot better than my EX but.. I dunno. My mom just laughed too and said that I am going to college this semester. He then asked where I'm going to study; I told him that I'll be studying at Manila Doctors. He then said "As a doctor?", I said "No, as a nursing student." THEN he faked a faint spell saying, "Nurse, can you check my BP?". I just laughed at him. He's a really funny guy though.

When we arrived home, I told my mom that I'll wear the top I bought when we drop by Manila Doctors today to pick-up my uniforms. Then I went online.. THIS is were I get a bit pissed off. I checked my friendster account and I saw my EX's page. Then I decided to open his account if the password's still the same. Geez, was I pissed BUT glad that I left that stupid git. I checked his messages and saw that he sent messages to his EX-girlfriends, all saying "I miss you so much. I still love you". I knew it! Once a two-timer, always a two-timer! Then I opened his other account and saw his testimonials and saw Melissa's testimonials for him. When I read everything, I knew that my heart and mind coincided with what I felt for him back then. I left him because I have this feeling that he was cheating right in front of me, and sure enough I got my answers. Melissa is his EX-girlfriend before me, or so he say. He told me he DID broke up with her a long time ago but until now, they're still together. Yes, I think he DID cheat on me and he thought I would NEVER find out about it. Well guess what? He's such a LOSER to think of me as a stupid girl who doesn't know the game he's playing. I know his kind, and I know that he's the worst of it. I don't even care right now if he still checks this blog; I'll get back at him someday.. he'll see.

Damn! Well reminders to all the ladies out there: Never fall for a guy who admits to you that he HAS two-timed back then because for sure, he'll do it again even though he promises to you that he won't.

Y i'M STiLL LOViNG iT! Y 12:22 AM

Friday, May 26, 2006


Mood: restless
Listening to: Selfish by Sunset Daze

Haha! Just got our Internet connection like, 5 minutes ago? It's kind of a bummer yesterday because I wasn't the FIRST one to greet Donna a HAPPY BIRTHDAY (grr, I'm gonna set JR's hair on fire! ~joke). I'm going out with Donna and some of her blockmates later. We'll watch X-Men: The Last Stand (again - to my disdaint); at least she won't leave me outside the movie house with a bag of peanuts!

Thank God I won't spend the next two weeks of summer drowning in DULLSVILLE now that I can face the computer whenever I please. Haha, gotcha!

NOTE: Okay Haeja, I got the message. I'll fix your blog tomorrow, okay?

Y i'M STiLL LOViNG iT! Y 11:22 AM

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

<{The Techno-Dummy;     

Mood: frustrated (yet again)
Listening to: Firefly by Bonnie Bailey

Yesterday was quite a bummer. Well it started off like this: I got my OWN computer last Saturday and it was the MOST "maluho" thing that I pulled off next to my shopping sprees. I did some experiments with it YET AGAIN just to test it. I got quite a shock yesterday because I transferred all 769 pictures from my other CDs to just one CD - and this is where the MAJOR disaster happened. I ACCIDENTALLY ERASED THE CD CONTENTS! Gawd~! Damn, at least I was able to recover nearly half of it or I would have strangled myself in the process. Oh well, at least the Internet's going to be connected some time next week so I would be able to update this every single day. Not bad, huh?

Anyway, me & Donna weren't able to go out last Friday so we kinda "planned" a lot for this Friday's party. It's going to be her post-birthday celebration and I do have some trick up my sleeve (if you know what I mean). I feel extremely weird thinking about the outfit that I'm going to wear on that day: a light red vintage tee, lightly washed jeans and a pair of hot pink Converse and a pink Nike bag to put all the stuff that I'm going to show her. It is a bit weird because last year, I also wore an almost all-pink outfit during her birthday. So there, I also plan to buy her a small cake so that she could finally blow a candle for her birthday - well she actually expected something about this. She played this 'fill-in-the-blanks' game with me last week about the cake and it was: Si __ na may hawak na cake. Hmm, I wasn't sure who to put in the blank. A guy perhaps? Nah! I'll have it MY way. Si Faye na may hawak na cake. Now that's much better!!

Before I end this one, just wanna say that X-MEN: THE LAST STAND is a great movie! Damn! I hope I wouldn't watch it all over again with Donna this Friday, or I might spill out the details to her beforehand. Well, it's worthy to be watched a second time though.

Y i'M STiLL LOViNG iT! Y 6:26 PM

Monday, May 15, 2006

<{I'm So Ready!;     

Mood: SUPER happy
Listening to: Jeepney by Spongecola

Damn! It's been quite a while since I last blogged. Well a lot has happened since - I attended the Freshmen Orientation at Manila Doctors College last May 6. It didn't actually turn out to be what I expect but it was okay. To tell you the truth, I felt like I was shoved back at CSR because everything's just as it is - the rules, the environment and other organizations. At least I won't get much culture shock on my first day, I better see that for myself.

After the orientation, I ordered uniforms - a lot of whites! I even bought a lot of white undergarments a few days after that; and you wouldn't believe how much money I've spent on those things. HOT news: I got my own pair of hot pink Converse chucks!! And yes, I'm only going to use it for P.E. in college.

Wow! I'm really looking forward to my first day of classes on June 13. Well at least it won't be long though. But first, I want to watch Da Vinci Code on May 19 with Donna. We already planned it a month before; it's going to be her last "gimmick" with me before she starts at DLSU. Take note: We planned another dress code for the 19th - it's going to be CONVERSE CHUCKS day. Yup, I want to wear my new sneakers at least once before classes start and it's UNusually me to wear sneakers. I still feel weird thinking about it though, but at least it's in my favorite color.

Before I forget, me and Donna will go out on the 19th for her pre-birthday celebration; and yes there IS a post-birthday celebration too! I'm UBER dreamy of the Animo shirt she's going to give me (go La Salle!). See? We love each other that much! Hmm.. I wonder what I'm going to give for her?? I'll be able to pull it up anyway. Last thought, I wonder where Agang is? I haven't heard from her for 3 weeks. Well, belated 14 though. I really miss her; and Haeja - I know I still owe you something.

Y i'M STiLL LOViNG iT! Y 6:20 PM

Before anything else

Welcome to IAmXiaFeng! A blog where as always, sleep is a blessing and studying to become a Registered Nurse is such a burden. If you have plans of becoming a Nurse, or if you just want to read of other people's lives then go ahead! Get in touch with my purely 'toxic' life and don't forget to shout-out before leaving my realm. Mwah!

Pump up the volume for The Way I Are by Timbaland!


FAYEE {XiaFeng} is an 18 year old aspiring thespian living in the wonderous Pearl of the Orient Seas, the Philippines. She is currently a Nursing student at Manila Doctors College and is very much a 'busy-body'; a versatile individual. Also she is currently affiliated with 3 organizations, one of which is the Student Government. Right now, she worries a lot about her various responsibilities. Furthermore, her name is now infamously synonymous to the word 'stress'. You will often than not see her killing time at either the SCO Office, Starbucks Bluewave or Mall of Asia. If by any chance you catch her red-handed holding a latte or frapp, you may blackmail her to buy you one through the following:

[X] [X] [X]




chic clothing!
sensible people
intelligent guys
music & theatre arts

'hollow' minds
online gaming
user-friendly people


February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
May 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
January 2008
March 2008



Be a dean's lister
Dean's lister again
Good grades in the 2nd Sem.
Good grades in the 1st Sem.

pulling off my debut plans

Nokia N72
Nokia N73
Motorola V3i Dolce&Gabbana
iPod video
Honda Civic/Toyota Camry

STARBUCKS organizer!
STARBUCKS organizer for 2008
BIG, BIG teddy bear
Sophie's World
HP Order of Phoenix book

big quilted bag

CHICOSCI's self-titled album
URBANDUB's Embrace album


Miss Saigon Soundtrack


donna jieliam haeja justine mikee yuffie

abby bejae cateh diane je joanne lilia mow steph

ala glazeo



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