Sunday, June 25, 2006
{Hail Ye Photoshop!;
Mood: amused
Listening to: Timeless by Sergio Mendes feat. India Arie
Last summer, I was somewhat determined to learn more about Adobe Photoshop CS. It was weird how hard I tried to accomplish it back then, but I ended up learning it late than I expected. I found out how to make scanlines a week ago, and yesterday night I discovered a pretty clever trick to make photos look professionally made. Well, in my opinion my work looks like it. Again, just click on the picture to view the original image size. Satisfied? Needs improvement? Just put a comment on this entry, will you?
The images used here were taken by a camera phone.
The first image has the original photo resolution while the second one is edited with Photoshop. See the difference?

1:25 AM
Friday, June 23, 2006
{Friday's The Day I Love!;
Mood: HAPPY, happy & contented
Listening to: Maneater by Nelly Furtado
I must say that this was a really busy week. We had graded recitations every now & then, and on occassions would stand in a freakin' long line just to get our books. Geez! So this is what college life feels like. Amidst all the late night reviews I did, I was surprised that this day turned out to be a great day for me. Our Logic class this morning was really fun and I am now starting to appreciate every single detail about it ~ not bad! I was glad that our Homeroom teacher didn't come for class because the four of us (Me, Chino, Rosel and Valerie) were supposed to do a sort-of dance number as part of our punishment from last week's activity. Technically, we had our early break and ate at KFC. I can't believe I lost my appetite then and there. Well, there's a first for everything!
After that, we went back for our NSTP class. We were supposed to have a quiz about last week's lecture, but we pleaded to our professor and he told us to just keep quiet so he won't give us the test. So, we endured 1 and a half hours of a 'boring' lecture about Leaders and Leadership. It was a good thing that Chino was sitting behind me because I was fooling around with what our professor is discussing to us like: "A leader should be generous". I told him and Roni, "Generosity: Dapat nagpapa-Starbucks!". After classes, we had our cam-whoring moments, yet again. Here are some of the pictures, of course edited with Adobe Photoshop CS. If you want to see the pictures clearly, just click on it to view the original image size.
The People in White: Chino, Roni & me!
Donna B. and me.. just fooling around!
So much for that. I went to CSR with Ayin and Jam because I want to see the Basketball Varsity Try-outs. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to see my former teachers since they held a Faculty Meeting. Too bad! But I saw Ms. Suelto and Ms. Goloy (Nay Nadj!). Nay Nadj's reaction was really hilarious when she saw me. She asked me where I'm studying now, probably because of my uniform and I said "At MaDocs" and she was like "Yuuck! Bakla!!!". Well, it's affirmative that nothing has changed with Nay-nay. Also, I talked to Chie and so on and so forth. Then, I commuted on my way home. What can I say? I just love my old school with all my heart. I can't explain the way I felt when I was already there, walking through the corridors and seeing the old spots where I used to hang out. It felt weird and at the same time fulfilling to know that I've been a part of that institution. Hmm, any plans? I wanna go back again next Friday!

9:35 PM
Thursday, June 15, 2006
{First Day.. High? and the aftermath;
Mood: rather passive due to shock
Listening to: Mas Que Nada by Sergio Mendes feat. B.E.P
Wow! I never thought I'd say this but, I LOVE COLLEGE! See? I'm eating up the words I said two months earlier about being pessimistic on my first day but I definitely got ahead of myself and said a few things and what-not. My classes started yesterday and I got up around 4 in the morning just to get dressed. At first, I wasn't really sure if I'll enjoy myself or jump off a cliff later that day but it was okay. I arrived at MaDocs around 6:20 and after 10 minutes of standing outside, Cha suddenly arrived out of nowhere; 30 minutes after that Ayin arrived. We stood outside for a long time and around 7:20, the welcome ceremony started. The student body recited the "Challenge to Excel" as part of the programme and there was an interpretative dance performance. Then, we proceeded to the Atrium for the Morning Prayer and the Flag Ceremony. A few welcome speeches after that and we're off to our classes.
By the way, I belong to BSN 1-1 (translation: Bachelor of Science in Nursing 1, Block 1). Our first period was Algebra with Mr. Macaspac and boy was I TOO shocked to even catch my breath. He started the class by asking us who can prove that 1 plus 1 is equal to 1. When no one could answer it, he gave us a word problem and told us to prove the former on our next meeting. Next was Logic, but the professor didn't come to class. After that, we had Filipino I. My first impression on our professor, Mr. Odal was that he's a 'terror-teacher'. But in the end, we found out that he was just TOO strict, but not that horrible. He introduced himself to us, and in turn he encouraged us to introduce ourselves to him and to the class. It was great fun hearing what others have to say about themselves and it really broke the ice. NSTP was up next, but our professor only explained some things about the course subject and gave us a homework.
Then it was BREAK time. I went to Blue Wave for lunch with Rosel and Ronnie. It was a really hot Wednesday noon and we walked from school to the place. I went home with a bit of swollen toe fingers. Last period was English and it just didn't satisfy me half as much as the other classes did. It was probably because I wanted to go home so much that I was only half listening.
It was a great day though. I've met loads of people! As of now, I've met loads of great people namely: Rosel (Rovie), Ronnie, Jamie, Lilibeth, Gina, Carla, Rozel, Rhea, Valerie, Kara, Anne, Jojo, Shen, Joy and Donna from my block, John, Daniel, Claudia and Celine from Block 26, Michelle who coincidentally was my former batchmates close friend and so on.
Earlier this day, I met John from Block 26 and just laughed with the way got to know each other. This is where it started: I went to SM Mall of Asia with my friend, Donna. We were suppose to go Ice Skating but I lost interest in it so we just window-shopped and ate lunch. I also bought rice cakes for my mom (Aww! How sweet!). After that, I went back to MaDocs and went inside. I got so irritated with my bag that I sat at the floor before turning the corner. Then, I met John. He asked me if I was a freshman and I said yes. He then asked me to what block do I belong and I said: Block 1, and he was like, "Seriously? As in one?". And I said yes. He then asked me of other things and so on and introduced me to his blockmates. Before leaving, he asked if I was a scholar and I said no. He probably doesn't believe me (hehe!). As I waved goodbye, he called out to me saying, "See you some other time, okay?" and then I left. I went to the library to get another research on my Algebra homework and around 2:30, my dad fetched me and I was just so freakin' tired. I entered into a deep stupor...

6:58 PM
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
{The Summer That Was;
Mood: REALLY excited but nervous
Listening to: First Day High by Kamikazee
I'm really looking forward on my first day in college tomorrow. Basically, I have no idea what I will do first when I get to school. Will I immediately make new friends? Will I again fall asleep during classes? Are there 'weird' professors? Are there bitches in class? And the list can go on without certainty. But right now, I'm going to look back on my what I've accomplished this summer and see if I was able to make my 2 months vacation worthwhile.
1. Join Meg Magazine's Face Search for 2006.
CHECK: It has been my dream to be a cover girl since who-knows-when, and I finally had the chance to be one. As far as I can remember, it was a Sunday morning and I was the third one to get a make-over. I had my hair done by L'Oreal and my make-up by Fasio. I also put on blue contact lenses for the pictorial. It was a really exhilirating moment for me. Everyone involved in that Grand Go-See were really nice and they actually helped me to get relaxed. It's one of the moments that I'll really treasure.
2. Lose a few more pounds.
CROSS: For the first six weeks, the only thing I was able to do is maintain my weight. But last week was a bit devastating for me. As usual, mom was making her extra-scrumptuous meals three times a day and I ended up adding 2-3 pounds in my weight. It's a good thing that classes will start tomorrow!
3. Go to the gym and go swimming.
DOUBLE CROSS: I was really eager to go to the gym this summer, but my parents didn't allow me to do so. It's okay because I know that gym sessions are really price-y and my parents would rather spend the money on college tuition fee rather than gym. About the swimming part, I was the brave one who wanted to go swimming after graduation but I ended up dismissing the thought. For one, I don't want to experience skin discoloration. Geez!
4. Blog often.
CHECK: As you can see, I've been the over-the-top prolific writer this summer. I've been there, done that and you were informed of it. I've had 2 layout changes since April. Yeah, baby!
5. Buy a new PC.
CHECK: This one's in the bank. Mom promised that she will buy me a new PC after graduation. Around the third week of May, she bought me this awesome new PC. We went to PC Express to make sure that the parts are okay. What I like about it is the LCD screen and the 'Surround Sound' Speakers I got which is really cool, especially for a music lover like me.
6. Clean my side of the room.
CHECK: Most of you probably don't know I still share the room with my parents and that I clean my side of the room only once a year, and it's every summer season. I hate cleaning my turf because I tend to keep my old stuff lying there, but my 4-hour room cleaning eventually paid off.
7. Fix my Yahoo!Groups.
CHECK: After a year of forgetting that my Yahoo!Groups still exists, I was able to do some layout changes last week. Way to go, Faye!
8. Read a book.
HALF-CHECK: For the first time in my life, I found it hard to stay in just one corner and read a book. This summer, I didn't buy any good reads as was planned. So, I tried reading Dean Koontz' book again but I haven't finished it yet, and classes is about to start tomorrow. Oh no!
9. Stop being a couch potato.
CROSS: I don't know what's happening to me this summer. Maybe it was because I just wanted to have enough rest to last my whole first year in college. First I had the dreaded "writer's block", and now I can't get my eyes of the television. During the summer season, I've indulged myself watching The Simpsons and South Park. I was also able to catch my favorites: America's Next Top Model and Project Runway. Damn, I am such a couch potato!
10. Bond with my mom.
DOUBLE CHECK: Me and my mom are inseparable for the summer. Although I occassionally go out with my friends to catch a movie or do some stuff, me and mom always have the time to catch the latest movies all the time. Ironically, we also have our 'food trips' to go with the movies. Ain't it fun?
6 tasks were accomplished.
3 tasks were thrown in the paper bin.
1 task was half done.

12:05 PM
Sunday, June 11, 2006
{lead me, will you?;
Mood: so darn excited-slash-freakin' tired
Listening to: Red Dress by Sugababes
Last Saturday night, me and my mom went to Market!Market! to watch TAKE THE LEAD. At first, my 'real' intention to watch it was to just get out of the house because I got bored of seeing the same stuff and programs cable television has to offer. So me and my mom had our "ULTIMATE FOOD TRIP" to go with the movie. We went to the grocery and bought a LOT of food. Hmm, let's see: a pack each of Monggo-Pork-Hapon Hopia, drinks, 2 small backs of Pinattsu and 2 small bags of Beef & Chili chips. Then we went to the 4th floor to buy zippers for the crocheted purses mom was making.
Then we went inside the movie house. As the trailers were being showed, I was too busy rummaging inside the bag full of snacks. About 10 minutes after that, the movie started and I was just got so wrapped up with the storyline that I forgot that we were not the only ones watching that movie. It was one HOT movie and inspiring too. I found myself stomping my feet lightly to the beat and immensely enjoyed every moment of it. At the end of the movie, I found out that it was based on the true story of Pierre Dulaine. It's amazing how he started teaching ballroom dancing during detention, and in turn taught his students more than that: to trust and respect others and to uphold their dignity.
I must say that this one's a good watch, so if you still haven't seen this film, you better do.

6:56 PM
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
{My Typical 6/6/06;
Mood: groovin' to the music
Listening to: Buttons by The Pussycat Dolls
I've heard from the news yesterday that some people actually believe that worst things may happen on the sixth day of the sixth month of the year 2006. Well I'll boldly say that it's so darn PATHETIC. For one, I just got a good scolding from my mom. That's not the end for me, right?
Yesterday, I was browsing through YouTube lazily around 4:30 in the afternoon and came across a lot of weird videos either from Cartman or the SouthPark gang or some crazy people doing celebrity imitations on the Internet. What can I say? Boredom can make you dumber, but I didn't dare watch them because it would just be so wrong. So I ended up watching some SouthPark episodes over YouTube. I gotta tell you - SouthPark ain't lame and stupid; it's just so darn crazy!
Anyway, right now I'm making my yet-to-be-finished MAJOR construction with my Yahoo!Groups and I'm deleting some old accounts so that I'll keep out those pesky e-mail notices and those stuff. A while ago, I was chatting with Katleya about that darn 'game' that got us hooked. It's about vampires and dragons - that stuff, but it's unlike any online game. You can earn money without doing so much stuff.
If you wanna know what I mean, just click the link below and have fun!

6:15 PM
Saturday, June 03, 2006
{I'm Back In Action;
Mood: SO high
Listening to: my optical mouse - clicking
I am so HIGH right now that I can't organize my thoughts, but I'll try to somehow. Okay, last May 31 I watched Failure to Launch with my mom at G4. It was about this guy, Tripp (Matthew McConaughey) who still lives with his parents at the age of 35. So technically, his parents were trying to find a way to have him out of the house to live on his own. Then Tripp met Paula (Sarah Jessica Parker), and so on and so on. I was a pretty hilarious movie, especially the part when Paula's friend Kit (Zooey Deschanel) tried to kill the mockingbird outside her window but ended up trying to save its life ~ gawd! I nearly fell off my seat laughing hard. Then after the show, me and my mom planned to stay to watch the movie parts that we missed. So I went to the restroom to do my stuff and to my surprise, I saw my former classmates there! We ended up starting the movie again sitting just a row behind each other.
Then yesterday was Lilou's debut. It was a simple celebration at their home a few blocks from our home. Some of our old classmates came and we laughed as if we never saw each other for years, although it has only been two months. After eating, we watched HOUSE OF WAX (which I never saw film). Well I misjudged it for what it was and ended up hiding my face behind Hazel's back. While the film was on-going, me and Hazel went to the kitchen to get some food AGAIN. I had this really WEIRD plan of getting two plates, loading the first full of Lumpiang Shanghai and the other with Lilou's birthday cake (Black Forest). When we went back to our seats, some of them said "Ang sweet n'yo naman!". We just laughed it off. Well what the heck, me and Hazel weren't able to do it before, haven't we?

Right now, I'm am DROWNING in Angela Zhang & Cyndi Wang's pictures. I don't know why I suddenly felt this MAD urge to fix my Yahoo!Groups, but I'm still working on it. Well, I'll just post here if the changes are ready. Aside from this, I did some changes with my friendster account last week. You might want to take a peak of it, if you want to.

5:58 PM