&&  &&   +Glamour girl!          &&    IAmXiaFeng V.4
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

<{From Sweetie to Just Plain Scary..;     

Mood: So effin' confused and anxious
Listening to: Forever by The Ambassadors

Geez~ In this entry, I may end up labeling guys to mere stereotypical beings... but in the end you'll find out that I am just being logical.

I won't drop hints to who he is, but if every you're that someone who knows what I'm talking about - keep it that way. And maybe, just maybe... if HE is the one reading this - now you'll know why I've suddenly gone cold.

I first met this guy way back during my Freshman year. Yes, he is handsome and seems nice. But all those good facade crumbled right at my feet. Everything that I thought I knew about him (and what other people think about him) are changing in a very rapid pace. It just makes me want to ask, "What the hell have you done to yourself?"

The fact that I do like him in a way doesn't mean 'I am head over heels' with him. It just doesn't make any sense! A few months back, he was still nice and sweet; but just a few weeks ago... he starts to scare the hell out of me.

I know for a fact that he likes someone else (and is trying to court her, mind you) BUT why is he 'somewhat' flirting with me? At first, I felt that he was just being childish... but just recently did I think things over and thought that MAYBE he's trying to put an 'investment' in me (you know, like trying to win over me so that if ever that significant other crushes him to the ground he has me as his last resort).

At first, I was confused of his motives... then I started to get pissed when reality sinks in... and just last night, HE REALLY, REALLY SCARES THE CRAP OUT OF ME! For some strange way though, he is reminiscent of my ex-boyfriend from 2 years ago. *Geez, why do I always fall for the same kind of guy?*

Here's the deal:
He always says, 'I love you/I miss you';
He always hugs me from behind;
At times, he'll try to hold my hand;
When I'm pissed, he'll suddenly grab me to give a hug;
(just last night)
He whispered something that I couldn't understand (but it sounded like a 4-letter word)
(And aside from these, there are a lot of things he did as well... but I won't write it down.)

The last one really scared me. My best guy friend told me to "Stay away from that guy or else he'll punch him right in the face" when he sees him. My other guy friend told me that "he is becoming sort-of s**ual with his actions... better push him off when you get the chance to."

Crap, I was supposed to be doing a lot of things at this very moment but I needed something to remove these things from my head. Maybe I really do have to follow my girlfriends on their single opinion...

"Play his game."

Y i'M STiLL LOViNG iT! Y 3:14 AM

Before anything else

Welcome to IAmXiaFeng! A blog where as always, sleep is a blessing and studying to become a Registered Nurse is such a burden. If you have plans of becoming a Nurse, or if you just want to read of other people's lives then go ahead! Get in touch with my purely 'toxic' life and don't forget to shout-out before leaving my realm. Mwah!

Pump up the volume for The Way I Are by Timbaland!


FAYEE {XiaFeng} is an 18 year old aspiring thespian living in the wonderous Pearl of the Orient Seas, the Philippines. She is currently a Nursing student at Manila Doctors College and is very much a 'busy-body'; a versatile individual. Also she is currently affiliated with 3 organizations, one of which is the Student Government. Right now, she worries a lot about her various responsibilities. Furthermore, her name is now infamously synonymous to the word 'stress'. You will often than not see her killing time at either the SCO Office, Starbucks Bluewave or Mall of Asia. If by any chance you catch her red-handed holding a latte or frapp, you may blackmail her to buy you one through the following:

[X] [X] [X]




chic clothing!
sensible people
intelligent guys
music & theatre arts

'hollow' minds
online gaming
user-friendly people


February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
May 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
January 2008
March 2008



Be a dean's lister
Dean's lister again
Good grades in the 2nd Sem.
Good grades in the 1st Sem.

pulling off my debut plans

Nokia N72
Nokia N73
Motorola V3i Dolce&Gabbana
iPod video
Honda Civic/Toyota Camry

STARBUCKS organizer!
STARBUCKS organizer for 2008
BIG, BIG teddy bear
Sophie's World
HP Order of Phoenix book

big quilted bag

CHICOSCI's self-titled album
URBANDUB's Embrace album


Miss Saigon Soundtrack


donna jieliam haeja justine mikee yuffie

abby bejae cateh diane je joanne lilia mow steph

ala glazeo



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